How we work…..

  • Marcel Mouton operates entirely voluntarily & for the fun & pleasure of flockers’. Keeping prices as low as we can, on a not-for-profit basis.
  • By joining the flock, you’ll receive invites to our annual members only summer camping event & other Marcel Mouton shenanigans. Flock members only will be invited to book for for the foray to the great green. From time to time, you’ll also benefit from flockers perks’ such as xxxxx.
  • To join complete our flocker’ application form below. We’ll process your application & send an email to ewe confirming you’ve joined the flock in a few days.
  • Membership is open to Muttons (Adults over 19) and costs XXX each year.
  • Flockers’ are welcome to bring Hoggits (Teens 13-19) & Lambs (under 13) to suitable events such as Marcel’s annual camp. Hoggits pay 50% & Lambs are free.
  • Who runs the Marcel Mouton events?
  • We are a Membership Club known as the ‘West of England Family Camping Club’. Click HERE to see a copy of our Constitution. We also have flock rules which you’ll be asked to read & agree when you sign up.
  • Not sure ewe want to be a flocker’ yet but want to follow the sheep?
  • Ewe absolutely can. Sign up to receive our n’ewes letter HERE. & you’ll receive our mail-outs. You’ll be kept up-to-date with what’s going on such as our Winter Solstice (December) & Spring Flockin’ (May) parties. You are very welcome to come & meet us at any Marcel event aside from the summer camp.

  • You’d like to volunteer?
  • Yes please! Just get in touch with us by email to HERE . We welcome help with our events, on the day & throughout the year. Lots of background work goes on to make things possible. Let us know which area you’re interested in. This could be as an artist/performer, in the office or on the site.
  • Like to ask us something else? Contact us HERE & we’ll get back to ewe. FANKS x
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